
帮助处于危机中的人, 维护保障居民安全的法律, 花时间与人交往, and build positive relationships with the community.

艾琳·诺德鲁姆,警官,圣. 路易公园

她出现的原因: The most rewarding part of my job is when I hear little girls, 他们的父母, 或者他们的权威人士指着我说, “看, 你可以成为任何你想成为的人. 她是一名警察.“即使在这个时代,我仍然能感受到这一点. Every time I do a speaking engagement with little kids, I always ask them if they knew prior to meeting me that girls can be police officers, 太. 很多人都没有.

St. 路易公园 is very involved with engaging its community members. 我们全心全意, 180%投入到社区警务中, 已经有20多年了, 这能帮助我们更好地服务我们的社区. Our officers are involved with our community in multiple ways, which has helped us get to know our community a lot more especially in such a turbulent time. 我们一直在努力让自己变得更好.

她是如何得到这份工作的(以及你是如何得到的): 我在威斯康辛州的一个小镇上长大. 当我在高中的时候, the police chief of my hometown came in to speak to my class and talked about his job and how he doesn’t work within four walls, 相反,他在整个社区工作. He’s out and about meeting new people and doing different things every single day. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to do his job because I was 5’2”. So, I asked him that and he said that police officers need to be smart and able to communicate, 这不再是关于多高的问题, big, 或者你能打多少拳. That stuck with me, and from then on I was like, “Yep, I want to be a police officer.”

I went to University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and earned my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, and then I went through Wisconsin’s police training. Then I moved to Minnesota and got a job as a community service officer for the city of St. 路易公园, and I needed to go through skills training (one semester of learning the theory and reasoning behind police work, and one semester of learning things such as driving a police car, 开枪, 进行审讯采访, 等.) in Minnesota before I could be eligible to be licensed. 一开始我是在圣. 2002年路易斯公园.

那份工作怎么样? Every day is different, and I meet a lot of people in my community. 我没有被限制在四面墙里, so I can meet with every different person in our society, including people new to our city and country and people who’ve lived in St. 在路易斯公园度过他们的一生. I get to meet new people every single day and hear their stories. I get to see the city and the world from their eyes.

但我们也会看到和听到不好的事情. We’re with people on the worst and scariest days of their lives, 这给警察造成了损失. 人们忘记了我们也是人.

I protect everyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. I just want to protect, serve, and make people feel safe. Whether they’re the victim, witness, or suspect of a crime, I treat everybody fairly. 每个人都有权利感到安全.

斯科特·肯特爆头Scott Kent, police chief, Alexandria 警察 Department

他出现的原因: Fixing and finding solutions to problems and issues—that’s what drives me. I’m a problem solver and I need to be challenged. 不管它有多小, it’s fixing those little things before they become community issues and giving people the 太ls to do that 太. If you can change one neighborhood at a time maybe you can change an entire community.

他是如何得到这份工作的(以及你是如何得到这份工作的): I grew up in West Fargo, 北达科他, graduated high school there, and went to Moorhead State. I 太k the first job I could get and I ended up being in Wahpeton, 北达科他, 然后我搬到了亚历山大. I didn’t grow up saying I wanted to be a patrol officer, but when I was in 7th and 8th grade there were a couple football coaches in that program that were police officers from the West Fargo 警察 Department. One of them was an investigator and one of them was a patrol officer. 他们都是很酷的人. They didn’t come wearing uniforms but they were just cool guys, 我们很享受为他们演奏. Give or take three years of my class in high school there were at least two dozen graduates who went on to be police officers.

在亚历山大, we try to hire nice people that are approachable, 他们很善良, that understand other people’s situations in life. All those policing skills — like handcuffing and marksmanship — are trainable skills. 但是我们不能教“好”.” There’s no way you can send someone to training to be a genuinely nice person. 谦卑, 倾听和批判性思考的能力, 再加上做一个好人, 允许与人进行开放的互动.

那份工作怎么样? In central Minnesota, I get to work and live in other people’s vacation spot. We want to provide a hometown community feel with a relaxed atmosphere. It’s not that we can’t turn it up and provide that service, 这种保护, 但我们尽量不紧张. 我们试着让人们放松. We’re trying to police a community the way it wants to be policed.

You can go from a traffic stop to responding to a fatality accident in the snap of a finger. This week we had a guy try to commit suicide with a rope, rat poison, and antifreeze. 我们的调查员当时在现场, and then he had to leave to go do a presentation on scams and fraud to residents of a nursing home. I’ve been in law enforcement for 21 years; I can honestly say I’ve never had two days that were even remotely the same.

Are you interested in learning more about a city career? One great way to get advice is to contact someone in your own city or a city nearby. You can ask questions about the job and learn more about training programs that may be available. 连接到 城市网站和城市联系信息 通过明尼苏达城市联盟.